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Suggestion:City/place information of members

Posted: January 20th, 2013, 10:53 pm
by Munir
Here is a suggestion for consideration of the Management & concerned members. It must have been noticed that the location/city of some members is not mentioned in the mailing name plate. It at time, becomes difficult to relate the local conditions ie, weather, the soil & the resourse availability state etc. to the point under discussion,in order to draw correct conclusions/lessons. It is suggested that all members should include their station of gardening in the profile/title, unless there are more important considerations against it.

Re: Attention:Management

Posted: January 21st, 2013, 8:41 am
by Muhammad Arif Khan
I could not agree more. A little more elaborate profile will help to get to know each other. unless there are more important considerations against it.

Re: Attention:Management

Posted: January 21st, 2013, 8:54 am
by Farhan Ahmed
Agreed in principle,but i think it would be difficult to execute. Active members can do that but one can't enforce already existing non-active members. A new form/compulsory column can be devised for new members.
One solution can be that a form is devised with detailed information and PMed to members for feeding but again it would depend how many members are willing to fill it.
Admins will be the best judge if there is a viability of the above.

Re: Attention:Management

Posted: January 21st, 2013, 9:09 am
by M Farooq
Muhammad Arif Khan wrote:I could not agree more. A little more elaborate profile will help to get to know each other. unless there are more important considerations against it.
But physician heal thyself ... it is your account which has no info whatsoever :-)

I respect privacy, mentioning city/ address can be left to member's discretion for "public" display, but it would be better to know each other...especially the active ones rather.



Re: Attention:Management

Posted: January 21st, 2013, 9:49 am
by Munir
Good that we all agree on this proposal. The management just needs to remind/emphasise it on the affected members,through a general open message.Since there is not much personal privacy involved, I am sure most members would cooperate; no problem if someone doesn't. We should be more interested in the more active members,where at times we need this information.However,this could be a mandatory entery at the time of initial registration, as one sees on many other blogs. Again,not a major issue.
PS. Even otherwise, there are/ could be registrations with fake,coded or pseudonyms.

Re: Attention:Management

Posted: January 21st, 2013, 10:29 am
by khabbab
I am not in favor of enforcing a new member to put his location. It is true that location will help a lot but it is upon on the member to reveal its location or not. In foreign countries it has huge legal implications as well. On your smart phones, google explicitly asks whether to access your location or not.

But active members should do that. we can PM active members or any other way. Lets hear what other admins say about it.

Re: Attention:Management

Posted: January 21st, 2013, 11:01 am
by M Farooq
khabbab wrote:I am not in favor of enforcing a new member to put his location. It is true that location will help a lot but it is upon on the member to reveal its location or not. In foreign countries it has huge legal implications as well. On your smart phones, google explicitly asks whether to access your location or not.

But active members should do that. we can PM active members or any other way. Lets hear what other admins say about it.
100% agreement regarding privacy and location in public. This can better be done via for pm for active members since their number is countable (less than 20) - and more importantly there exists a level of trust among us.



Re: Attention:Management

Posted: January 21st, 2013, 4:20 pm
by Munir
My last comment on the subject: I think we are getting it wrong.The privacy lies in address & telephone numbers & not in city name. There ll be thousands with the same name in a city. Yet , I dont mind status quo.

Re: Attention:Management

Posted: January 21st, 2013, 5:01 pm
by Izhar
Munir, your point are valid and they will benefit in answering queries ..the issue as stated by Farhan, Farooq and Khabbab bhai is that the active members (who have gone through this thread) will and should update their profile.. new members who introduce themselves can be replied to complete their profile in case.. in my opinion it should be on voluntary base and not as a compulsory task..

Re: Attention:Management

Posted: January 21st, 2013, 7:38 pm
by mirafzalkhan
Here are some actual facts about the under conversation subject:

This forum was created on April 9th, 2011, at that time location field was not mandatory therefore many of our members not fill-up the field but later we realized that knowing about city will help to relate the growing conditions, and a request was made through a post on April 29th, 2011. viewtopic.php?f=2&t=75&p=384
On May 9th, 2011 modifications was made in Registration Form & following compulsory fields was added:
First Name
Last Name

No one after May 9th, 2011 can register without filling these fields, if someone provides wrong information he/she still can’t post on forum because we (admin team) monitoring the information provided by the new member, once he/she got approval from admin team he can post on forum freely. Admin team even knows, from which location a post is posted on forum by monitoring IP address.
Name, email address comes under privacy, so your forum ID shows on forum instead of your real name and email address which not shows anywhere at all, and also we do not share these information with anybody else.
Private Message (PM) means Private, we do not monitor PM. If any members want to share his/her personal information he can PM the member.
These all security measures are taken to insure spams out of forum without these; almost double spammers of the current member strength were members.
I have presented the facts; makes your own conclusion, but I humbly request do not take anyone comments personally and also do not make statements which hurt someone.