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Re: KAM's garden.

Posted: August 16th, 2012, 4:59 am
by aykhan
I think KAMasud is being quite unfair and is bordering on harassing. He is also damaging the camaraderie on this forum. Maybe there is some underlying psychological issue like Hypomania but it's the admins call as to how they want to handle this. One warning should really be enough to comprehend the etiquette required to communicate on a forum, any forum.

Re: KAM's garden.

Posted: August 16th, 2012, 6:47 pm
by Faisal Riaz
I think their is some thing known as ethics and social boundaries while discussing anything on public forums and ONE should respect others self respect all the time and I am here to say that a strict warning should be issued to such forum members using harsh words and discussing other things than gardening on this forum.

And I am also convinced with Umar's comments, this forum is not about English Classes either.

Re: KAM's garden.

Posted: August 16th, 2012, 8:41 pm
by Muhammad Arif Khan
KAMasud wrote:Its a old weak brain, it is not agile enough to be taught new tricks. Well dont worry you wont see a upside down pic. :roll: Get a Ultra net book, Atom based then you can lie in bed and use it. Cost must be around 40,000/.
How I missed this post?
Enough is enough, this old weak brain can be more dis respect full, but my up bringing doesnt allow. My advice is dont show your true colours.

Re: KAM's garden.

Posted: August 17th, 2012, 8:13 am
by AhmadIrfan
I think enough heat has been given to this topic the admins should quickly take up a decision and set an example of such members who hinder the true purpose of this forum.

Re: KAM's garden.

Posted: August 17th, 2012, 10:27 am
by Farhan Ahmed
I have a humble request that "No Action" may be taken.....its already enough that the forum has pointed out. And i suppose something are misunderstood because of the language style of the said person and he means no harm/offense.

Re: KAM's garden.

Posted: August 21st, 2012, 4:42 pm
by haris.kabir
One calls himself 'mature' and boasts about his knowledge yet fails to show respect to others, very interesting. Also a dear member placed a great deal of emphasis on the 'quality' of english language used by other members in this forum, now that comes from a 'locked, slave' mentality. As it is solely at an individual's discretion to use the language which pleases him. I prefered not to comment on this post but could not resist voicing my opinion.