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Re: Melaleuca Snow Bird

Posted: January 17th, 2016, 12:20 am
by asimPK
I remembered this plant was I first looked in childhood about 1985 in Eucalyptus loan of Punjab University's botanical garden where about >20 types of Eucalyptus trees & shrubs were existing then. This bottle brush /Eucalyptus family tree was not ever observed attractive like picture posted above.

Re: Melaleuca Snow Bird

Posted: January 17th, 2016, 12:53 am
by asimPK
My sister also buy very expensive plant (Rs.8k) last summer of red leafs that predicted to flower like iceberg in spring, when I closely observed I found it was grafted on Aloocha (Greengages) stick.In fact it was grafted red leaf Allocha tree, off course will bloom like iceberg in spring. I remembered Greengages, Peaches, Pears trees in my old home at Lahore were real iceberg or pink balls in flowering season. :lol:

Re: Melaleuca Snow Bird

Posted: January 17th, 2016, 7:19 am
by yawer
Same goes for fruit varieties being sold there, exotic but less fruiting and tasteless in some cases while spending a hefty amount too !

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