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Posted: October 29th, 2014, 10:34 am
by Muhammad Arif Khan

by Muhammad Arif Khan ยป May 20th, 2011, 12:25 pm
Gardenias fascinate me; 1, I love their fragrance,2. I have not been able to grow them to my satisfaction.
My Gardenia Lucida, It grows by 2 feet in summer and looses 1- 1/2 feet in winter. GardeniaThunbergia acquired last year has 6 buds on it today. Out of 15 Varigated Gardenia Florida nine survivefd this winter and only two had one flower each.
One factor is I have not been able to improve the PH to what is required by the plant, or provide a proper location. Any suggestions?

Above is my post of May 2011, since then I experimented a lot and now I am a satisfied Gardenia grower.
I have added a lot of Sulphur and Iron sulphate the plants showed instant improvement.

so I shifted them to ground adding sulphur and Iron sulphate to soil, the result was beyond my expectations.


As the flowers are always on tip of the new growth I am snipping off the tips to encourage branching.



Re: Gardenia

Posted: October 29th, 2014, 12:04 pm
by Izhar
Sir, my gardenia is almost dormant... please also plant the non-variegated gardenia (desi one), it has larger flowers...

Re: Gardenia

Posted: October 30th, 2014, 10:24 am
by Muhammad Arif Khan
Izhar wrote:Sir, my gardenia is almost dormant... please also plant the non-variegated gardenia (desi one), it has larger flowers...
Izhar, the plant in the pot 2nd picture is it variegated or desi?

Re: Gardenia

Posted: October 30th, 2014, 10:46 am
by Izhar
Sir, as per leaf shape i guess it is a variegated one which has a suppressed variegation due to excessive nurturing.

Re: Gardenia

Posted: October 30th, 2014, 11:12 am
by Muhammad Arif Khan
Izhar wrote:Sir, as per leaf shape i guess it is a variegated one which has a suppressed variegation due to excessive nurturing.
True, the new growth is variegated but later turns green, since I started applying Iron sulphate.
Please Show a picture of the Dasi

Re: Gardenia

Posted: October 30th, 2014, 11:54 am
by Izhar
Here are some picture in this page of Hammad Kisana:


Re: Gardenia

Posted: November 30th, 2014, 12:57 pm
by hnasir
Very healthy gardenias Arif sb! Do you prune? To make the plant more bushy? If yes, then when?

And also, what about the sun. Do u give it full sun, dappled or partial shade?

Thanks! :)

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