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Re: Munir Sb's Garden

Posted: January 4th, 2014, 10:36 am
by farah fayyaz
@Sir Munir. My dahlia is dead now. I biught the plant this season but I think due to short sun light, it is dead.I put some dap some days ago, then new leaves started growing. Anither ptoblem I noticed is lack of carbon dioxide as there are white spots on leaves.Before this, there were brown patches on leaves.

Re: Munir's Garden

Posted: January 4th, 2014, 6:42 pm
by Munir
Thanks all for the appreciation.

@ Farooq. It is Virginia Creeper.

@ Imran.
. You are right about the two vines.
. Will try taking cuttings of Dahlia; what is the right time for that?

@ Hamad. Recent purchase for Rs.100 a piece - young plants, just a ft tall.
@ Jd.
. I don't know if the two blooms are early- in fact they have already been there for 2 weeks; Garlic Vine blooms are in the last stage & are dying out. Golden Shower which blooms a few weeks after Garlic Vine is also in buds. Surprising, this time Garlic Vine flowers are slightly smaller & don't look as fresh as the previous blooming just 6-8 weeks back. Clerodendrum has bloomed first time.
. Frost has just started & has severely damaged my Papaya & Banana trees & even Salvia plants/seedlings. I have now erected the over- head cover; hope they survive. Other plants/trees are fine.

@ Farah. Sorry to hear about damage to your Dahlia plants. I am sorry I have no clue about its cause & the remedy.

. Can anyone help find the Id of the Roses ?

Re: Munir Sb's Garden

Posted: January 4th, 2014, 7:46 pm
by Hamad
@ Hamad. Recent purchase for Rs.100 a piece - young plants, just a ft tall.
cheap Munir sb, at this price I don't mind even as annuals.

may b next time InshAllah.


Re: Munir Sb's Garden

Posted: November 29th, 2014, 6:24 pm
by komel adil
masha allah u have a beautiful garden.stay blessed.i am so impressed by your garlic vine that i keep on searching it in different nurseries in karachi and finally i got it today alhamdolillah.can u just suggest me how to take care of it,its about 5 feet tall,how long ll it take to flower.

Re: Munir Sb's Garden

Posted: June 3rd, 2016, 10:32 am
by Muhammad Arif Khan
His garden as presented on WhatsApp this year is as good as before, with some new additions, I request him to present it in this forum also as an incentive to other members.

Re: Munir Sb's Garden

Posted: November 11th, 2016, 9:52 am
by jahanzaib_hashmi
AOA. sir i want to know that can we grow SUGRAONE on I Shape posts or Y Shape is important?