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Pelargonium & Geranium

Posted: April 10th, 2014, 11:45 pm
by mikhurram

Majority of these dainty, irresistible plants originate from South Africa where more than 250 varieties of Pelargoniums are found having foliage that vary considerably in shape, colour and size.

We are fortunate that some of the Pelargoniums grow naturally in various parts of Pakistan in-particular areas near Quetta (images shown below) and our upward northern regions.

Adored by hoverflies and bees they tend to put in an extended floral display lasting several weeks.

Although similar in appearance to geraniums, there is sufficient technical difference between the flowers of Geranium and Pelargonium for botanist to keep the species in separate genera. At times even its difficult for me to differentiate some of the varieties.

Some species of wild Pelargoniums found in semi-desert areas of South Africa have spiny stems, looking much like cacti. So much so like cacti, some of these desert Pelargoniums lack most of their leaves, the thickened green stems act as water-storage organs. Other species which favour moisture conditions became leafy, trailing plants. Thus each variety has adapted or adjusted according to its climatic conditions.

Some of the Pelargoniums found mainly in western countries have scented leaves, with varieties named as apple, rose, lemon, chocolate peppermint pelargoniums. Because of considerable hybridization, now it is difficult to determine which of the wild species were ancestral to the cultivated varieties available today often displayed in pots outside buildings mostly in the Mediterranean region, Germany, Switzerland etc.

Leaves are used to extract geranium oil for perfumes & aromatherapy and sometimes can also be used to flavour fish, puddings and cakes.

They grow best in moderately fertile and well drained medium preferably having some portions of sand. Being drought tolerant, Pelargoniums are sensitive to over watering and can rot if over-watered. Thus water only when the surface of the compost has dried out, soaking well to reach all the roots.







Note: these Pelargoniums are known as Quetta Pelargoniums.





Re: Pelargonium & Geranium

Posted: April 11th, 2014, 6:34 am
by Hamad Ahmed Kisana
beautiful pelargonium.

Re: Pelargonium & Geranium

Posted: April 11th, 2014, 10:08 am
by khabbab
Can we save them as perennial in lahore?

Re: Pelargonium & Geranium

Posted: April 11th, 2014, 10:12 am
by mikhurram
Can be saved provided if watering is precise especially when they have been shifted to a shaded site at the end of flowering. Watering & medium becomes important. Often Geranium during May and June tend to rot if watered more than their needs apart from keeping an eye on fungus prevalent due to humidity in monsoon season.