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Re: Waiting for Daffodils Bulbs Flowering

Posted: March 8th, 2013, 10:35 am
by Asim_Nawaz
Dear Syed Adnan,
Thanks. Next time, I will follow your technique. For your information today's my "Daffodil bulbs' having complete Nitrogen healty green leaves. Now I can follow friend's suggestion place it in shady area, having only morning sunlight, reduce water because grow in plastic container and give only potash after 1 week. Just to wait flowering of daffodils.

Re: Waiting for Daffodils Bulbs Flowering

Posted: March 9th, 2013, 12:34 am
Place under filtered sun,feed with potash.don,t cut down the foliage untill it naturally turn brown.paper whites are the only reliable Daffodils.they will flower in early autumn.
Strictly speaking actually Paper whites are Nercissus which need less chill hours so they are very reliable in our climate.Nercissus has more than one flowers per stem & flowers are small in size.Daffodils need more chill hours so they will never flower next year in our climate.Daffodils has one flower per stem & flowers are larger in size.Daffos will flower in first year as freshly imported but in second year only foliage.they are fit bulbs for areas like Swat & Abbottabad where they grow crazy.i hope you got my point.
There is also a third group which is Jonquil.Cheerfulness belongs to this group.its also very reliable blooming group in our climate.the flowers are even smaller that the Nercissus & more fragrant.

Re: Waiting for Daffodils Bulbs Flowering

Posted: March 9th, 2013, 7:45 am
by Munir
Thank you Umar for explaining. These questions must have been lurking in many minds, like mine.
I had planted 8 paper whites on 17 Oct: all grew equally to about 12",but only 3 flowered (I think in Dec, but not sure). What could be the problem with others ?

Re: Waiting for Daffodils Bulbs Flowering

Posted: March 9th, 2013, 10:25 am
I think you have not planted bulbs in complete dormancy.Feed them well & leave them to dry up naturally.leave them un disturb or even avoid them once the bulbs go into will enjoy them next season.i,l divide my bulbs this year as they are over crowded now.if you need i,l give some more healthy bulbs.please do not cut off the foliage as bulbs build up storage for next year flowering so the foliage shoots up after flowering.Munir don,t try Daffos such Dutch Master,King Alfred or Casata.Daffodils only flower in first year,next year you will get only foliage.i have tried so many varieties including the small cupped,large cupped,long cupped,short cupped & doubles.Daffodils in our climate are just like gamble.Amaryllis are true bulbs for our climate.if you want Amaryllis you can purchase it in different colors from Pak Flora nursery,Pwr mod.they multiply & flower each year.

Re: Waiting for Daffodils Bulbs Flowering

Posted: March 9th, 2013, 7:14 pm
by Munir
Thank you Umar.I did plant a Daffodil as a trial but failed, due probably over-watering. My experience with Crocus, Iris &Tulip has also not been encouraging.
Paper White,Freezia & Ranunclus have however done well. Will keep your advice in mind,next time.

Re: Waiting for Daffodils Bulbs Flowering

Posted: March 9th, 2013, 7:51 pm
by rabia
Izhar wrote:I am yet to try other Daffs but Paperwhites are reliable bloomers and they will multiply easily... the best you could do to a bulb is to let it resume its natural cycle by holding watering in warmer months till the foliage dies (dormancy period) and resuming the watering in November...
Izhar bhai when should we stop watering paper whites?And should we leave them in soil or dig them out?
2ndly if kept in soil should we place them in sun or shade?
I planted about 30 bulbs this tear only half bloomed.

Re: Waiting for Daffodils Bulbs Flowering

Posted: March 9th, 2013, 8:21 pm
by Hamad
Rabia you can leave them in soil but put them under shade so that the soil will not get too dry, don’t water them at all but only if they get too dry water them a little bit, you can also dig them up but usually its good to practise for those bulbs who cant take the heat of summer and die out but paper white and gul-e-nargis (narcissus) have no issues

Umer if you have some spare paper white to share then I would ike to raise my hand if you can and my daffodils are doing fine in their second year they bloomed last year and this year they bloomed again I live in wah cantt our climate it not so different from RWP/ISL, or may be its just by luck ;)

my double Daffodils this year

Re: Waiting for Daffodils Bulbs Flowering

Posted: March 9th, 2013, 11:03 pm
Hamad is it Double yellow cheerfulness.its very pretty.i think its not by luck but the variety may be need less chill hours.If its cheerfulness then it may also has sweet fragrance.thanks for sharing so beautiful bloom.yes i have many spare bulbs of Nargis.after a month i,l dig out & plant them again.i,l give you some bulbs.Yes Hamad Wah,s climate is just like Mardan.i think even the zone will be the same.

Re: Waiting for Daffodils Bulbs Flowering

Posted: March 10th, 2013, 8:01 pm
by Hamad
no umar its not cheerfulness its just a random double Daffodil last year I bought some mix Daffodils and this was one of them

Re: Waiting for Daffodils Bulbs Flowering

Posted: March 11th, 2013, 8:05 am
by rabia
Thank you Hamad Bhai for the tips.Your double daffs are spectacular :mrgreen: .From where did you buy these? I will try my luck with them next season :)